"Moving work" brings creative classes to your business as a cost-effective health benefit to you and your staff without having to leave the office.

"Moving Work" brings team building and comaraderie to your workplace through movement and music!  Professional instructors come to your office, hospital, school, store, or wherever you work and provide fun, enticing, classes from Dancehall Reggae and Capoeira, to Pilates and Yoga, to making music. And this all without leaving the office.  There are no more longing thoughts of "if I only had the time."  We will come to you.


Executive Summary

Working in a marketing agency for nine years brought more wear and tear on my body than the dance and martial arts I was training five days a week. As I became more wrapped up with the time consuming demands of my job, my physical loves and hobbies fell to the wayside. I simply didn't have the time to make it to classes. Pair that with the terrible, often stagnant posture synonymous with a desk job, and my body was wrecked. I had neck pain, hip pain, knee pain, back pain, pain everywhere! (Although, I think my big toe on my right foot was A-okay. At least I had that going for me.)

My pain eventually became debilitating, which is when I found Pilates. Amazed in my mind and transformed in my body by the efficiency and rehabilitative nature of Pilates while building strength and flexibility, a year and half later I earned my Pilates certification and left my desk job, for my own health. Call me a convert.

After this experience, knowing the physical demands any sort of job has on our bodies, I wanted to make it easy for people to access self-care.  Also knowing how demanding a job is on our time, I wanted to make it effortless to find such time for self-care. Recognizing the camaraderie that develops with creative classes, (be it dance, Pilates, or music), I knew bringing classes to workplaces would be an incredible benefit to corporate environments.  Working together towards a common goal is the oil to the wheel of progress.   Having a class where managers, executives, assistants, and newbies are all in the same room learning a skill outside their work, brings everyone to the same playing field and fosters a human connection.

But Seriously, Why?

Investing in a workplace wellness program has proven to lower company expenses. Employers are seeing less absenteeism as workers are taking less sick time, driving down the costs of health care as a result. Work performance increases as the mind is awakened with movement. The classes we offer demand the mind being an active part of the practice, thus sharpening and strengthening the mind. This in turn brings better, more efficient performance in the workplace. Including exercise in the workplace as a benefit to employees will also build camaraderie among colleagues. One room where upper level management and entry level employees are all encouraging each other, supporting each other through the same workout.

The ease of "Moving Work" is priceless for your and your employees personal life. Most of us need to leave right after work to attend to family and other needs outside of our professional lives. "Moving Work" will ease the burden of juggling professional life, family life, and our own health. We don't need to drive to a gym or another studio to attend to our health. This is the meaning of convenient. Easy in and easy (work)out.

"Moving Work" offers a wide range of class packages from hour and a half long courses, to 30 minute power lunch workouts, and 20 minute increment programs.  Contact us now for pricing and to find out how easy it is to create a wellness program in your workplace, that fits with your environment.